*** Welcome to the Andrew Warde High School tribute website ... There are 46 issues of the Crimson Crier school newspaper from 1967 through 1976 available for download on this website ... Please visit the companion blog in the "Library" in the left-hand margin to access and download the Crimson Crier newspapers ... Please credit this website for any content, photos, or videos you share with others ... Paul Piorek is editor and publisher of the Andrew Warde High School tribute website and a proud member of the AWHS Class of 1976 ... Contact Paul at paulpiorek@gmail.com ...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Andrew Warde High School Updated Reunion Calendar

Here is a look at the calendar of Andrew Warde High School reunions scheduled this year:

The combined Andrew Warde and Roger Ludlowe 50th reunion of the Class of 1957 will take place September 15 at the Tashua Knolls Restaurant in Trumbull. The reunion committee is looking for former graduates and their addresses. Please email Joan Heady Sepot at miasepot@optonline.net or call 255-1955 for more information.

The AWHS Class of 1967 will hold its 40th reunion October 20 at Vazzy's at Fairchild Wheeler Golf Course. For more information, email silwest@aol.com.

Members of the AWHS Class of 1975 will celebrate a combined 32nd reunion and "The Class of '75 Turns 50" Party September 29 at the Trumbull Marriott, 180 Hawley Lane. All graduates of the class are welcome. Former classmates are being sought. Contact Mike Farkas at 261-4772, Rick Norell at 386-1390, or Mary Ann Colihan at tundramac@sympatico.ca.

The AWHS Class of 1981 is planning its 26th reunion. To become involved in the planning, contact Tom Flynn at tflynn@holycross.edu and sign on to the Class of 1981 database at http://www.andrewwarde1981.myevent.com.

Fairfield High School's first 20th reunion is fast approaching. Members of the Fairfield High School Class of 1988 are encouraged to visit http://www.fhs1988.com to register and include their addresses for news and information about Fairfield's first 20th. As the date of the event draws closer, alumni will be able to share photos and other memories. Volunteers are needed to help as well. Email your information to info@fhs1988.com.


Please sign the AWHS Class of 1976 Guest Book.

Visit the AWHS Class of 1976 Gift Shop.

Friday, August 24, 2007

AWHS Class of 1976 News and Notes

Andrew Warde High School Class of 1976 members Tom Knuth and Joy Ballerini, both in town at the same time from Michigan, gathered with six local classmates on Monday, August 20, at the Bear and Grill in Fairfield.

The AWHS Class of 1976 alumni included (left-to-right) Tony Procaccini, Brian Pander, Kim Nagy, Andy Larsen, Debbie Kamlani-Moss, Tom Knuth, Debbie Elstein-Lemen, and Joy Ballerini-Fried.

It's not too late to purchase reunion photobooks or DVDs. If you are interested, please write to reunion committee president Tony Procaccini at aprocaccini@juno.com.

I encourage you to contribute articles, photos, and general information about our class or an item of interest from Andrew Warde High School's storied history to the blog. It would be sincerely appreciated by this corner.

If you haven't heard, turn up your speakers and listen to Chicago's Old Days while enjoying the blog. The song is courtesy of blogmusik.net. The song plays in a continuous loop.

The first anniversary of our 30-year reunion was last Sunday, August 19.


Please sign the AWHS Class of 1976 Guest Book.

Visit the AWHS Class of 1976 Gift Shop.

Friday, August 10, 2007

30-Year Reunion Anniversary Event Planned

The following correspondence was sent by 30-year reunion committee president Tony Procaccini. The first anniversary of our 30-year reunion is just a little more than a week away, and an event has been planned to celebrate the milestone.

The 30-year reunion anniversary is fast approaching, and by complete coincidence, classmates Tom Knuth and Joy Ballerini (married to our classmate Ira Fried) will be in town and available to meet with others.

The event is scheduled Monday, August 20, at 7 p.m. at the Bear and Grill Restaurant, 2000 Black Rock Turnpike in Fairfield.

We'll be meeting in the dining area toward the back of the restaurant. Eat or drink as little or as much as you want.

Bring your cameras. I need shots for our class Web.

Hope to see you.

Please sign the AWHS Class of 1976 Guest Book.

Visit the AWHS Class of 1976 Gift Shop.

Weekend Show at Warde Recalls 1976 Thespians

Fairfield Warde High School will host the Fairfield Teen Theatre's production of Beauty and the Beast this weekend. Show times are scheduled for 8 o'clock Friday and Saturday evenings in the auditorium of the Melville Avenue campus.

The production will no doubt bring back memories of the stage performances we enjoyed during our senior year at Andrew Warde High School.

According to our 1976 Flame yearbook, "Thespians is an organization of hard-working and talented students. To become a member one must work one hundred hours on dramatic productions. This can be done in a variety of ways: by either acting in a play, being on stage crew and working on a set, or by being on make-up crew or wardrobe crew."

The Thespians were very active during our senior year at AWHS, presenting several plays. The first play was the musical Showboat, followed by a drama, The Scarlet Letter. The final dramatic event was a group of three student-directed presentations. There were two plays, The Bald Soprano and Androcles and the Lion, followed by a sixties cabaret. These presentations were casted, produced, and directed by the Thespian members.

The make-up crew and stage crew were integral parts of all stage productions at AWHS. Even though the make-up crew was in existence for only two years by 1976, its members mastered the techniques of applying make-up in order to achieve extraordinary dramatic effects.

The stage crew, another well-qualified group, spent weeks before each play building the set and designing the lighting. It took a lot of planning and a lot of work by all the crew members to make the plays successful.

If you have the opportunity this weekend, and you're in the area, drop by Fairfield Warde High School and take in the current production presented by the Fairfield Teen Theatre. You'll not only enjoy the show, I'm sure, but you'll recall the plays we enjoyed during our senior year at Andrew Warde High School.


Please sign the AWHS Class of 1976 Guest Book.

Visit the AWHS Class of 1976 Gift Shop.