Special thanks to Ken Shain and Ron Makar of the Andrew Warde High School Class of 1970 for contributing 10 issues of The Crimson Crier to our library archives. There are now 29 issues of The Crimson Crier school newspaper as pdf files available for viewing and reading. Please see the link in the left-hand margin.
Andrew Warde High School's Class of 1970 will hold its 50-year reunion Saturday, October 30, 2021, at the Trumbull Marriott.
That's the word from Ken Shain, who has been tasked with compiling a digital record of the Crimson Crier newspapers during his days at Warde.
The class reunion Web site is https://1970andrewwarde50th.com.
Shain wrote, "We are currently using it to identify and locate all fellow 1970 graduates so that we may extend each an invitation to our get together. At some point, we plan to provide links to them on our website, but at present we are maintaining our focused use of the site. As we get closer to the event, we will increase its content."
Shain, a visitor to this blog, continued, "Hence I am in a position to offer you our first batch of freshly scanned Criers for archive with the small request that you help promote our event by putting a link to our web page on your site."
The ten issues have been added to our Crimson Crier archives, bringing the total number of issues to 29. The issues are from 1968, 1969, and 1970. Please click the link at the left-hand side of this Web site to access the school newspapers.
Please click the image below to access the class Web site. We wish Ken, Ron, and the entire Andrew Warde High School Class of 1970 all the best as the 50-year reunion, originally scheduled for last year, is just seven months away.