Sunday, July 24, 2022
Andrew Warde High School Class of 1972 to Host 50-Year Reunion, Saturday, August 20, 2022
Friday, July 22, 2022
Eighteen Issues of Crimson Crier Newspapers Added to Library Archives
I am pleased to announce that 18 additional issues of the Crimson Crier school newspaper have been added to the library archives.
The issues were the gift of Mr. Jon L. Schoenhorn, an attorney in Hartford and editor-in-chief of the Crimson Crier newspaper during his senior year at Andrew Warde High School.
I am thrilled and gratified by the sincere offer from Mr. Schoenhorn. The 18 additional issues from 1971 and 1972 push the total number of Crimson Crier archived newspapers to 47.
The archived Crimson Crier newspaper issues are on PDF files and can be accessed by visiting both companion blog websites. They are linked in the left-hand margin of the AWHS blog.
Here is the link for the 18 additional issues of the Crimson Crier newspaper from 1971 and 1972: