*** Welcome to the Andrew Warde High School tribute website ... There are 46 issues of the Crimson Crier school newspaper from 1967 through 1976 available for download on this website ... Please visit the companion blog in the "Library" in the left-hand margin to access and download the Crimson Crier newspapers ... Please credit this website for any content, photos, or videos you share with others ... Paul Piorek is editor and publisher of the Andrew Warde High School tribute website and a proud member of the AWHS Class of 1976 ... Contact Paul at paulpiorek@gmail.com ...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Graduation Day

It's that time of the year again. Whether it's elementary school, middle school, high school, or college, students are celebrating their graduations this week. Wednesday, June 21, the first official day of Summer, is graduation day for the students at Fairfield Warde High School. Three days later, June 24, marks the 30th anniversary of our graduation from Andrew Warde High School.

Thirty years. Can it possibly be 30 years since we accepted our diplomas and moved on with our lives? Reading several of the comments of our fellow classmates on the Warde reunion Web page, it appears most of us are having difficulty remembering much about our high school days. So much has happened in our lives since then.

According to Annie Forstrom, "Wow! Can it really be 30 years since we graduated? It seems like yesterday when I threw my mortarboard onto the cafeteria roof in sheer happiness of graduating. I wonder if it's still there?"

In many ways, Annie is right. It does seem like yesterday. However, 30 years is a very long time, and the memories of what happened over a generation ago aren't nearly as vivid as they once were.

"Wow. This really takes one back," wrote Scott Patterson. "Back in 1976, I couldn't wait to finish school and to get on with my life. But knowing what I do now, I would have savored more from our high school days, as many memories and feelings are now flooding back. Some, frankly, I don't remember!"

Stacey Marden comments, "High school? Yikes! I don't remember it." And, Debbie Russo chimed in with, "Memories of high school are quite a blur after all these years, but I look forward to seeing classmates I've not seen in many years."

As the reunion approaches, many are quite candid with their honesty. "I hope I can remember each and every one of you," hopes Fred Nehrings. "It's going to be tough. After all, this is my first class reunion, and it's been 30 years since I've seen most of you."

Fred, many of us feel just as you do. Our families, neighbors, and friendships have changed dramatically in 30 years. We're not the same people we were on June 24, 1976.

My advice? Just relax and have a great time sharing a special evening with those with whom we shared four special years a long, long time ago.


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