Wednesday, July 26, 2006
It's Elementary!
Each day I enjoy reading new messages from classmates who found our reunion Web site. The word is spreading that our 30th high school reunion is less than a month away, and many of us are excited about the weekend festivities August 19 and 20.
After reading Fred Baechtold's greeting on our reunion Web site last night, I began thinking back to the days of elementary school. That's my son, Billy, who attended Osborn Hill School, just like his Dad. When we were growing up in Fairfield, the elementary landscape was much different than it is now. For one thing, elementary school included grades kindergarten through six. Today, sixth-grade is part of middle school. In addition, Fairfield Woods was an elementary school 40 years ago.
Fred writes, "Mrs. Murphy, my kindergarten teacher from Fairfield Woods (when it was K - 8), lives in the complex where my parents live. Mrs. Murphy and I had the chance to meet in an elevator there earlier this year. How many of you recall Mrs. Murphy? I can name a few classmates who might remember."
That's incredible! I've often wondered what became of my kindergarten teacher, Miss Richards, at Osborn Hill School. Several members of our high school graduating class attended OHS, and the kindergarten teachers were Miss Richards and Mrs. Gallagher. Back in the day, Osborn Hill's students were "fed" into Fairfield Woods and Andrew Warde High School. Today, the OHS graduates move into Roger Ludlowe Middle School and Fairfield Ludlowe High School. The boundaries have changed significantly, with most of the OHS population living along the North Benson corridor.
When my son attended Osborn Hill School, I remember searching through the media center for any information I could find about the school in the early to mid 1960s. I found a paperback book all about the school's dedication in 1957. The school opened in response to tremendous population growth in the Lake Hills section of town, where I live. My neighborhood, which is adjacent to Samp Mortar Lake, was built in the mid 1950s, and shortly thereafter Osborn Hill School and St. Pius X Parish were constructed. I'd give anything to revisit those days ... but only briefly.
Where did you attend elementary school? Do you remember any teachers? I'd be interested to know. I'm glad my son also attended Osborn Hill School. I'll always have a place in my heart for that elementary school.
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