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Friday, February 16, 2007

A Homecoming for a True Hero

Not a day goes by when I don't think of our valiant men and women overseas protecting our way of life at home. They are sacrificing far too much, and they are the true heroes of our country. This weekend, we have an opportunity to thank one of our heroes. Classmate Steve Schempp, who has been stationed in Afghanistan, arrives in Connecticut today to visit with some of his family and friends.

This Sunday evening, a small get-together is being planned at Three Corners Restaurant in Fairfield to salute Steve and reminisce about our days at Andrew Warde High School. The gathering gets underway at 6 o'clock. Reunion committee chairman Tony Procaccini organized the get-together.

"As luck would have it, my life has turned out far better than I could have ever hoped," Schempp wrote. "My job has sent me to my current assignment in Afghanistan, though I've had short stays in Iraq, Kuwait, and Dubai. Dubai is a paradise on Earth, but very pricey. Iraq and Kuwait both, well, let me put it this way: you really wouldn't want to vacation there. I can't state that emphatically enough.

"I am currently working for the infamous Halliburton Company; however, the division I work for has split from Halliburton and is now KBR, Inc., a publicly traded company that just had an IPO listed on the NYSE."

I've been corresponding with Steve on and off for a few months, and I'm impressed by his positive attitude and courage. Each day we read about and see the events in Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm sure many of you have friends and relatives in one of those areas of the world. In fact, a former student of mine was killed in Iraq over a year ago. Our valiant men and women need our support.

So, this Sunday and every day, salute the true heroes of our nation. Classmate Steve Schempp deserves our thanks and support.


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