*** Welcome to the Andrew Warde High School tribute website ... There are 46 issues of the Crimson Crier school newspaper from 1967 through 1976 available for download on this website ... Please visit the companion blog in the "Library" in the left-hand margin to access and download the Crimson Crier newspapers ... Please credit this website for any content, photos, or videos you share with others ... Paul Piorek is editor and publisher of the Andrew Warde High School tribute website and a proud member of the AWHS Class of 1976 ... Contact Paul at paulpiorek@gmail.com ...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Home, Sweet Home --- A Photo Journal

By Mark Waxman
Andrew Warde High School
Class of 1976

Mark Waxman, a 1976 graduate of Andrew Warde High School, currently lives in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, with his wife, Sherri. He has three children --- Megan, Kelly, and Sean.

He and his wife returned "home" to Fairfield in August to attend the 30th high school reunion. Here are a few of the digital photos he took while visiting Fairfield last month.

The Community Theatre on the corner of Unquowa Road and the Post Road is still going strong. Many of us saw movies at the theatre when we were youngsters. Today, all residents are admitted to a movie for just four dollars, and all drinks and candy are just two dollars!

This is a view of the Post Road in Fairfield looking West at the corner of Unquowa Road. In the background is the Sherman Green and Fairfield Gazebo.

The Fairfield Public Library recently underwent a massive facelift and reconstruction project both inside and out. The library is as busy as ever.

The street sign for Kalan Circle in Fairfield brought back many great memories of childhhood.

Going home again was a thrill, especially when visiting the old stomping grounds on Kalan Circle.

Osborn Hill School, which Mark attended as sixth-grader, reopened in 1997 and is the largest of the town's elementary schools with over 500 students. The school sits on Stillson Road close to Black Rock Turnpike. Paul, the blog host, attended kindergarten at Osborn Hill School.

Although there has been a lot of construction over the past few years, Warde High School still looks much like it did 30 years ago. This is a view of the front entrance of the school.

Fairfield Warde High School looks better than ever after undergoing major reconstruction in the last few years. Formerly known as Andrew Warde and Fairfield High School, Warde celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.

This is the view of Fitts house from the school parking lot. Fitts is the only remaining "house" with the same name from our days at Warde.

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